Instinctive Advantage Class FAQ:
- The use of firearms is inherently dangerous and any unsafe use of them could result in death or serious bodily harm.
- Do not bring ANY firearms Into Class. Please leave All firearms LOCKED In my vehicle until directed to retrieve for inspection & qualification.
- As a prerequisite to enrollment, I agree have a signed release on file and to follow all safety rules set forth by my Instructor and that my willful disregard of them will result in my dismissal from class, without reimbursement of my tuition.
- No use drugs or alcohol preceding or during class will be permitted.
- If I provide my own equipment it must be inspected and approved by a Range Safety Officer. If a firearm is deemed unacceptable or unsafe for qualification we reserve the right to provide a substitute qualification firearm at an additional expense.
- Weather appropriate range attire is required. Closed Toed Shoes (no sandals or flip flops), Full coverage shirts and shorts (the less skin the better, hot brass can burn open skin.)
- Eye & Ear Protection Are Required. Hats Are Optional But Suggested. (This will prevent hot brass from getting behind your eye protection)
- Immediately reporting any and all safety violations witnessed during class to the Instructor will ensure that all participants are safe.
- Instinctive Advantage Reserves The Right to Refuse Service To Anyone (Found to Be Unsafe) At Anytime. (Safety violations will not be tolerated)
- We Strive to Train Responsible, Law Abiding Eligible Citizens in Firearms Safety, Proficiency & Relevant Laws.
- Please Do NOT Bring Your Firearm Into Class. (Repeated on purpose)
- Please Leave Locked In Car Until Qualifying. (Repeated on purpose)